05/24/12: Just an update: This brilliant plan lasted about 2 weeks before I didn't notice any difference and got bored and gave up. Whoops! Boyfriend's still into it though and he's basically the healthiest guy I know. The coconut oil does make for an excellent moisturizer though!
Trying a new thing starting today. The boyfriend has been doing this for a few months and I decided to join the club. I started oil pulling this morning and drinking Apple Cider Vinegar.What is oil pulling and Apple Cider Vinegar you ask?
They're two different things, actually. Oil pulling is a natural remedy for a LOT of sicknesses and diseases. People have sworn that they've been cured of blood diseases, colds, organ-disorders, skin diseases and a bunch of other things. It's supposed to help you have a "fresh, relaxed feeling on waking up, disappearing dark pouches below the eyes, anew appetite and energy, better memory and deep sleep." Coconut oil is also a natural teeth whitener! I've used whitening strips before but they make my teeth super sensitive. My guy has tried them too and since he's been oil pulling he said he's noticed his back teeth (where the strips don't reach) are a lot whiter too.
How do you do you oil pull?
You put coconut oil (you can use different kinds of pure oils) in your mouth and swish it around for 15-30 minutes. The idea is that it pulls out bad bacterias from your teeth, throat and bloodstream. Don't swallow the liquid that forms in your mouth - It's poisonous to your body. I tried to do the oil pulling a few months ago but it starts off as a solid and made me gag. It felt like I was chewing coconut flavored wax. Bleh. But the coconut oil melts at like 70 degrees so it melts in your mouth. I just let it sit in there until it melted. I swished whiled I was showering and getting ready for work. You're supposed to do it before you eat or drink anything for the day. Check out http://www.oilpulling.com/ for more info on this process.
Here are my BEFORE oil pulling pictures! (Say CHEESE! lol)
Now what about ACV?

I'm not worried that I have some kind of disease. I'm in good health overall but who doesn't want to clear up acne, allergies and sore throats?! We'll see how she goes! Perfect timing too because I've been breaking out like crazy lately.
Check out http://www.earthclinic.com/ for more non-traditional cures and remedies for pretty much everything you can think of. I'll keep you updated on what happens with these experiments!
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