Monday, January 30, 2012

You are what you eat...

My story is not super inspirational but I am proud of myself and hope that maybe it'll spark some motivation to someone in a similar situation! I'm hoping this blog will turn into some kind of health/fitness/diet kind of theme but we'll see where my creative mind takes it!
That's me in front... dang! Don't
think I can do that anymore!

I graduated high school in 2006 at 125 lbs. I was on Varsity Poms with vigorous 2.5 hour practices 5 days a week and could eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

I graduated college in May 2010 with 158 lbs. on my 5'3" frame. Just goes to show what beer, pasta, lack of sleep and a busy campus lifestyle will do to your body. I tried to stay active but the social scene was way more attractive at the time!

After moving home, my parents encouraged me to get back into shape. I admit, I was stubborn and in denial at first. Once, when my mom suggested I start being more active again and pointed out my clothes weren't exactly fitting right I proclaimed "Well, maybe this is the way God made me, mom!" Happy to say that was not the case. Let me make it clear that my family never once called me fat or discouraged me. They're part of the reason I can write this with confidence. I am thankful I have a family that has my best interests at heart, especially when I don't.
Day after graduation. When I realized I had fat armpits. Embarrassing...
The benefits of a home gym:
Corny poses on the treadmill.
I realized that I hated the way I was feeling--emotionally and physically. That was the push I needed. I started getting active again by walking outside with friends and working out in my parents' basement. I began counting calories on my MyFitnessPal app. I was teased by the other interns at my internship for bringing salads and healthy foods to work for lunch while they were munching on fast food and chips. I just shot it right back at them that they can make fun all they want but they'll see it's worth it soon! (Since then several of them started their own workout regimens! Way to go guys!)

Bastille Days 5k in July
2011, beat my 2010 PR!
I started dating a man who is so motivating when it comes to diet, health and fitness and he only helped me more! I joined Anytime Fitness in September 2010. My man explained the importance of weight exercises and wrote out a few routines to follow weekly. By November I was stronger and felt 100x better. I remember telling my mom in December that I had not felt that good...ever!

Using Anytime Fitness, counting calories and following recipes and exercises from Women's Health Magazine I was able to get back in shape. It took a lot of dedication, focus, and encouragement from friends and family but in 15 months I got down to my goal weight of 128. It's amazing how losing 30 lbs. can make you feel. I feel my healthiest, even better than in high school, because I'm not only exercising regularly, but I live a healthier lifestyle in terms of diet. I learned that diet is a major part of weight loss. If you're not fueling your body with the proper foods, you may see results initially but you won't see much long-term progress.

I have a huge sense of pride when I tell people how much I've lost. Most people don't realize I even weighed that much to begin with. It makes me happy when others are encouraged when they hear about my accomplishment. I've learned a lot from this experience and try to educate my friends who are in similar situations and be that positive voice in their head when they're striving for their goal!

Before: May 2010 - and - After: August 2011

1 comment:

  1. :) Love it. Proud of you! It feels great to get yourself on a regimen that works for you - but it's even better when you feel happy and confident with yourself. Congratulations!
