Friday, May 17, 2013

The little things

"Enjoy the little things. One day you may look back
and realize...they were the big things."

I love the little things in my life.

The big and little things my mom does for me, even when I don't ask.

The way my dad tells stories; as he tells the story and is getting to the end, he makes sure everyone is listening really closely and then delivers the punchline with so much energy and oomph that everyone bursts out laughing.

How surprised I am at how grown up my brothers are every time I have an awesome conversation with one of them.

The way my friends send me Snapchat pics and vids of random things; up-the-nostril Wednesdays, cats, babies, eyelashes, inappropriate pictures with bananas.

The way the pavement outside this week reminded me of recess in grade school after it rained.

The fact that so many of my friends are getting engaged, married, pregnant and becoming parents right now and how happy that makes me!

The fact that many of my friends are single and living it up as they learn more about themselves and how proud that makes me!

The way God speaks to me in unexpected ways in my every day life.

Listening to my little cousins have conversations with each other and me, and feeling hopeful for the future.

I could go on all day about the little things that make me happy in my life and how they're really the big things...

Friday, January 18, 2013

Forever Thankful

Isn't everything you have and everything you are sheer
gifts from God? . . . You already have all you need.
1 Corinthians 4:7-8 MSG
Haven't written a spiritual health post yet, so here goes...

I have this awesome 365 Inspirational Quotes calendar that only has the month and the day on it so you can reuse it every few years. It is amazing to me how on most days, the quote is right on for what's going on in my life at that time.

Anyways, the above quote got me thinking about what I have and what I am. (Forgive me, this is going to be a lot of "me" and "I"... 'tis my blog though isn't it?)

I have been doing the K-Love 30 Day Challenge. It's the challenge to only listen to Christian music for 30 days and see how it changes your life. I'm about halfway through right now and I'm not sure it's necessarily changed my life but I am surprised at how easy and enjoyable it is to do. Yes, yes, you're probably thinking the same thing my boyfriend said to me when I told him what I was doing, "You realize that's just a marketing technique to get people to listen to their station, right?" Of course I realize that! I have a degree in advertising for goodness sake! But I don't mind that their way of getting higher ratings is putting me in good moods and helping people see the goodness of God in their lives!

What I have absolutely are gifts from God. I sometimes just forget about the "You already have all you need." part.

I have an amazing immediate and extended family. I can't begin to imagine my life without every one of my family members. I am thankful for the little things that each of them have contributed to my life whether it was an attempt at dating advice when I was a teenager, a picture drawn by a 4-year-old, help finding a home to buy, or referrals to acquaintances for job openings. I am so proud of my family members when they accomplish something they have been striving for and I hurt for my family members when they make bad choices or are unhealthy. I pray for all of you.

I have a boyfriend who is my best friend. He makes me laugh with goofy faces and impressions and holds me when I'm sick or upset. I'm in denial about how well he knows me, but he knows that I know him just as well. We bring out the best in each other. Not only do I have him, but I have his family who I love just as much as my own.

I have, what I call, my "church family." These are the people who I have met in the last couple years who have helped me learn so much about my faith, my God and myself. I am eons away from where I was when I graduated college and I am so thankful that God brought these wonderful, faithful people into my life.

I have great jobs where I can use my artistic talents and people skills to put my degree to good use. I am thankful for all the people who have helped me get to these places and hope to learn more about business as my company grows.

I have fun and loyal friends who I know I can count on for anything! These are the kind of people who will tell me the truth when no one else will and I try to give them that same courtesy. I appreciate every bit of advice that has been given to me whether I took it, pitched it, or filed it in my brain for later.

I have so many amazing things and people in my life and that makes me everything I am.

The song, "Already There," by Casting Crowns plays on K-Love often. The lyrics stood out to me the other day:

From where I'm Standing
Lord it's so hard for me to see
Where this is going
And where You're leading me
I wish I knew how
All my fears and all my questions
Are gonna play out
In a world I can't control

And then later....

When I'm lost in the mystery
To You my future is a memory
Cause You're already there
You're already there

When I get into the mindset where I forget that I already have all I need, I think I need to remember these lyrics. I can't try to rush my life because God's already got it figured out for me. I just need to remember to trust in Him and everything will work out fine!