Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The craziest, colorful, 5k of your life

I registered to run in The Color Run on June 2nd in Chicago with some of my amazing family members! I'm really excited to do this. It's a 5k where they throw "color" at you (a.k.a. color treated powder) as you run the course. It's not a timed 5k but it looks amazing! By the end of it you look like you jumped in a vat of candy-dye at Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Check out http://www.thecolorrun.com/ for more details!

Haven't run a 5k since Bastille Days in July 2011 so I should probably make sure I'm able to keep up with my super fit cousins!

UPDATE: I'm bummed out because I can do the Color Run anymore. It's my little brother's graduation from high school and that's more important to me. Hopefully I can sign up for one of the new locations that the Color Run is adding though!

Monday, February 20, 2012

If you gots the poison, I gots the remedy

05/24/12: Just an update: This brilliant plan lasted about 2 weeks before I didn't notice any difference and got bored and gave up. Whoops! Boyfriend's still into it though and he's basically the healthiest guy I know. The coconut oil does make for an excellent moisturizer though!
Trying a new thing starting today. The boyfriend has been doing this for a few months and I decided to join the club. I started oil pulling this morning and drinking Apple Cider Vinegar.

What is oil pulling and Apple Cider Vinegar you ask?

They're two different things, actually. Oil pulling is a natural remedy for a LOT of sicknesses and diseases. People have sworn that they've been cured of blood diseases, colds, organ-disorders, skin diseases and a bunch of other things. It's supposed to help you have a "fresh, relaxed feeling on waking up, disappearing dark pouches below the eyes, anew appetite and energy, better memory and deep sleep." Coconut oil is also a natural teeth whitener! I've used whitening strips before but they make my teeth super sensitive. My guy has tried them too and since he's been oil pulling he said he's noticed his back teeth (where the strips don't reach) are a lot whiter too.

How do you do you oil pull?

You put coconut oil (you can use different kinds of pure oils) in your mouth and swish it around for 15-30 minutes. The idea is that it pulls out bad bacterias from your teeth, throat and bloodstream. Don't swallow the liquid that forms in your mouth - It's poisonous to your body. I tried to do the oil pulling a few months ago but it starts off as a solid and made me gag. It felt like I was chewing coconut flavored wax. Bleh. But the coconut oil melts at like 70 degrees so it melts in your mouth. I just let it sit in there until it melted. I swished whiled I was showering and getting ready for work. You're supposed to do it before you eat or drink anything for the day. Check out http://www.oilpulling.com/ for more info on this process.

Here are my BEFORE oil pulling pictures! (Say CHEESE! lol)

Now what about ACV?

Apple Cider Vinegar reportedly cures a multitude of problems including "allergies (including pet, food and environmental), sinus infections, acne, high cholesterol, flu, chronic fatigue, candida, acid reflux, sore throats, contact dermatitis, arthritis, and gout." I mixed about a Tablespoon of ACV with water, a little honey and baking soda and chugged fast! Definitely not the best taste but I figured I've got nothing to lose.

I'm not worried that I have some kind of disease. I'm in good health overall but who doesn't want to clear up acne, allergies and sore throats?! We'll see how she goes! Perfect timing too because I've been breaking out like crazy lately.

Check out http://www.earthclinic.com/ for more non-traditional cures and remedies for pretty much everything you can think of. I'll keep you updated on what happens with these experiments!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I - I - I - I work out!

33:00 minutes in to hear that joke!
My dear, dear boyfriend is crazy about health and exercise. He got me into integrating weights into my workouts to create better results. I thought it was ridiculous at first because when I think of women lifting weights, I think of those freaky bodybuilder chicks who are like Madonna, a weird bucket of mussels.

But then I realized for the real women of the world, it can get you closer to the bodacious bods of J. Lo, Anna Kournikova, and Gisele.

My man graciously put together some beginner weight routines for me to use 3 days a week with light warm-ups beforehand. I love cardio so I'd do 30-90 minutes of cardio on opposite days.

I've decided to share these workouts with you all. Click on the days of the week to jump to the relating posts. (Working on Friday, use Monday/Wednesday to get started)

MONDAY: Backs & Biceps
WEDNESDAY: Triceps & Chest
FRIDAY: Legs, Abs & Shoulders

If you're feeling ambitious, try these for two weeks to get the hang of it. You will seriously be amazed with the results. For every work out, start with a low weight but something that will still make you work for the sweat. You'll do 3 sets, decreasing the reps and increasing the weight for every set. For example:
1          10        60
2          8          65
3          6          70
This was me at one point...I SWEAR!!
Feel free to adjust the weight from these work outs to your needs and ability. Every week, increase your starting weight by 5 lbs. You'll be curling 45 pounders in no time!!

Monday is back/biceps day with lat pulldown, back row and dumbbell curls. Wednesday is triceps/chest day with rope pulldown, machine triceps, dumbbell bench press and machine flye. Friday is leg/abs/shoulders day with leg press, lunges, cable kickback, hip abductors, dumbbell lat raises, dumbbell military and ab crunch.

Good luck with everything and let me know how it goes! I can't wait to hear from you! :)

Wednesday: Triceps & Chest

For every work out, start with a low weight but something that will still make you work for the sweat. You'll do 3 sets, decreasing the reps and increasing the weight for every set.
For example:
1          10        60
2          8          65
3          6          70

Feel free to adjust the weight from these work outs to your needs and ability. Every week, increase your starting weight by 5 lbs.

Wednesday is triceps/chest day with rope pulldown, machine triceps, dumbbell bench press and machine flye. 

These descriptions and images are taken from various websites. I want to make sure you are all being directed on the correct form. It would be a great idea if you consult your gym's experts or bring your own muscleman or woman to the gym with you for the first week!

Boyfriend's Tip: "Work all the muscle groups to boost metabolism."

Rope Pull Down

Week 1
1           14         35
2           12         40

3           10         45
Week 2 start weight at 40 lbs.

The picture shows a bar instead of a rope. The ropes look like this. Grab the rope with an overhand grip. Your grip can be altered to work different muscles. Concentrate on standing tall with your shoulders back, feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent and elbows tucked to your sides. Inhale slowly, then exhale and extend your arms at the elbow until they are straight. Don't snap your arms down and lock your elbows. Keep control! Inhale as you bring your arms back to the starting position.

Machine Triceps

Week 1
1           14         25
2           12         30
3           10         35
Week 2 start weight at 30 lbs.

Make sure the machine is adjusted to your body so you can comfortably reach the handles with your back straight and feet flat on the raise platform. Grip the handles with your palms facing each other. Keep your shoulders down and your arms parallel to each other. Push the handles down and away from you while exhaling until your arms are straight. Return to the start position with controlled form.

Dumbbell Bench Press

Week 1
1           16         10
2           14         15
3           12         20
Week 2 start weight at 15 lbs.

Lie back on bench with dumbbells at your shoulders. Press them up until your arms are extended above you. Lower the weights to the sides of your chest until you feel a slight stretch. Your elbows shouldn't go much further than your shoulders but be sure to get that stretch in there. After your last rep bring the dumbbells to your shoulders and sit up slowly.

Week 1
1           16         30
2           14         35
3           12         40
Week 2 start weight at 35 lbs.

Adjust the seat on the machine so that your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Grip the handles so your palms are facing forward. Keep your back straight and tall with your feet flat on the ground. Bring your arms together in front of your chest until your hands or the pads meet. Hold it for a second and slowly return to the start position with controlled motion.

Monday: Back & Biceps

For every work out, start with a low weight but something that will still make you work for the sweat. You'll do 3 sets, decreasing the reps and increasing the weight for every set.
For example:
1          10        60
2          8          65
3          6          70

Feel free to adjust the weight from these work outs to your needs and ability. Every week, increase your starting weight by 5 lbs.

Monday is back/biceps day with lat pulldown, back row and dumbbell curls. As you get more comfortable going from machine to machine and increasing the weight stack, try to keep rest between sets under 2 minutes.

These descriptions and images are taken from various websites. I want to make sure you are all being directed on the correct form. It would be a great idea if you consult your gym's experts or bring your own muscleman or woman to the gym with you for the first week!

Boyfriend's Tip: "Focus on good form, slow negatives."
Lat Pulldown

Week 1
1           10         60
2           8           65
3           6           70
Week 2 start weight at 65 lbs.

Grip the bar like you're grabbing bike handlebars (pronated grip) with your hands shoulder width apart. Pull down your shoulders while keeping your arms straight, then pull the bar using your back and arms. You're working your armpit muscles, a.k.a. your lats. Pull your elbows back to touch the bar to your chest. Bring the bar back up to the start position, keeping it controlled.

Back Row
Week 1
1           10         40
2           8           45
3           6           50
Week 2 start weight at 45 lbs.

Make sure the machine is adjusted to your height so you can comfortably grip the handles while keeping your back straight and your feet flat on the ground. Grip the handles in a pronated grip. Without moving anything but your arms, slowly pull the handles up to the sides of your chest. Hold for a second, and lower the weight back down.

Dumbbell Curls
Week 1
1           10         10
2           8           15
3           6           20
Week 2 start weight at 15 lbs.

Start with your palms facing out and your arms straight. With your elbows close to your sides raise one (or both) dumbbell(s) to your shoulder. Lower to the original position and repeat (on the other side). Feel free to move them together or alternate. Concentrate on raising and lowering your dumbbells directly in front of your body, don't let your arms stray to the side--this could hurt your elbows and shoulders.